It's never the wrong time to look at Zachary Levi. |
Well, I'm the champion. I really can't speak for you. In all seriousness, I completed Camp NaNoWriMo, and I feel fantastic. I only did 25,000 words this round since I was shooting for a novella. Not only did I knock out the word count, the story itself is close to complete. Well, the first draft. We all know that's a starting point, not an end point. Why didn't I learn that sooner? In any case, it's a huge chunk of work done, and my main characters have been tortured appropriately with at least somewhat of a reward in the end. I'm not entirely heartless.
With that done, and my book club book read (we did
Dreams & Shadows by Robert Cargill this month), it's time for some recreational writing, tacky movie watching, and fan fiction reading. Let there be geeky hedonism!
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