Friday, December 3, 2010

Hottie of the Week: Eric Balfour (semi NSFW)

Unlike most of my entries, this one shows a tiny itsy bit of nudity, so... be warned if you happen to be on the clock. That's why I pre-schedule these babies.

Yeah, check out the pictures. I admit I do enjoy him as an actor, but, hell, this is a shallow pick for me. He was one of the only parts of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake that didn't suck, he looks a bit like Brett Scallions (apparently I love a guy with a sexy, unusual nose... weird), and watching Duke and Nathan fight is the most entertaining part of Haven. Plus, look at the pictures. Uh huh.

Hey, I never pretended not to be shallow sometimes.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

i agree he is HOT!!!! :)