Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Healthy New Year

The time has come once again to go "Oh, crap, I need to be healthier." Pregnancy and the craziness of Pike's birth threw Wes and I a bit off track from our goals in that arena, but it's a new year. We're rededicating ourselves to losing some inches, losing some pounds, and gaining a little muscle tone. We've got a bouncing baby boy who will soon be expecting us not only to sit and play with him and carry him around but also chase him, play catch, run... god only knows. Terrifying. In any case, we'll need some sort of cardio capacity to handle it.

Wish us luck! FYI, I've started back up with SparkPeople toward that end, so you can find me at username beth_wilde if you're using the site as well. If you aren't and you're trying to lose some inches or pounds or get in shape or whatnot, I strongly suggest it. It's free, and you can do anything from chatting to counting calories to tracking exercise to getting meal plans.

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