Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Writing the Night Away, originally uploaded by Poet for Life.
In case you haven't heard of it, NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. During this month, everybody can sign up and challenge themselves to write a novel in a month. It doesn't have to be perfect or polished or ideal, it just had to be done. The idea is to throw caution to the wind and go for it. Three years running now I've signed up, but I've never actually completed what I've started. I don't know that I will this year either, but I'm still going for it.

In previous years I've tried two different versions of horror. This year I'm going straight fiction, something I honestly haven't tried my hand at outside of roleplaying in years and years. No idea where I'll go with it, but I hope that the journey will be interesting. If you're curious as to how I'm doing, my word count will be displayed right here on the blog at the top of the right-hand column. Wish me luck, and if you're doing it too, my username there is wildemoon - add me!

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