Friday, December 20, 2013

Hottie of the Week: Robert Carlyle

The Once Upon a Time fans out there know what's up. Contact me if we need to arrange group therapy sessions. Meanwhile, I'm just gonna put these pictures up, enjoy them for awhile, then go cry in the corner. Or go home and watch The Full Monty. That might help.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tunes Tuesday: Gloria Estefan "Here We Are"

Friday, December 13, 2013

Hottie of the Week: Padma Lakshmi

I suddenly don't mind someone eating in bed.

Sexy women who eat are even sexier. Love me some Padma!

If this doesn't do it for you, there's a strong chance you should get your eyes checked.

Sexiest. Pregnant chick. Ever.

What to eat first....

Friday, December 6, 2013

Hottie of the Week: Osric Chau

Dapper as shit.
IMDB | Twitter

The Supernatural fans know why this cutie is the feature this week. If you don't know or aren't a fan, we need to have a serious talk about your life choices.

For everyone else? It's just a nice view of a nice guy. 

Just sittin' here bein' awesome. You?

His audition shot for Walking Dead. Glen who?

Kevin Motherfucking Solo

He's even pretty when he's scared.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


It's a bird, it's a plane, it's mommy actually finishing!
It's done. National Novel Writing Month is done. Yes, okay, it's been done for a week. Don't act like you've been anymore inspired to be constructive with your writing than I have. We all know better. 

I've been verified, I'm done, it's real. Another year in a row of ACTUALLY FINISHING! I'm desperately happy about that. I'm proud of myself. 

Of course, now comes the frustrating part. The spewing out words onto the page is really the easy part. Now I have to do something with those words. I've already decided that instead of having two major stories going on in this book, I'm going to split them into two books. I also decided that another idea I had should be book one, which makes the "book one" I just finished book two. I think I like making life hard for myself.

So what about you guys? Did you finish? Did you at least get some fabulous writing done? (Let's face it, that's the real victory.) How much has YOUR book already changed since NaNo ended?