Friday, September 24, 2010

Hottie of the Week: Nigel Bennett

Nigel may not be one of the flashiest guys out there in terms of his exposure to the public eye, but he's pretty amazing. He's been in everything from Forever Knight to Road to Avonlea and fit in everywhere he went.

For any other Forever Knight fans who may be lingering out there, you probably first picture Nigel as Lucien Lacroix. I will say right here and now that him reading The Jabberwocky in "Curiouser and Curiouser" is easily one of the sexiest things ever. Yummy! I've also always been kind of taken with Lacroix's brief, ill-fated romance with Nick's sister Fleur.

Lesser known may be his wonderful turn as Prince on Lexx in the series' third and fourth seasons. He's always delicious as a villain, and this is no exception. You can look back on the blog to find more gushing from me about Lexx. Meanwhile, explore Nigel's strange and wonderful body of work... or at least listen to it because the man has an amazing voice.


Almost Precious said...

Oh ... My ... Gawd ! I have been racking my brains for ages and ages trying to recall the name of that show. I'd ask people if they had ever seen it and would start describing the characters; the robot that lost its body and its head was madly in love with the gorgeous and well endowed, blonde love slave (that is until it decided to divert its fascination to the somber, undead ninja assassin). For some reason the only names I could think of were Stanley and Prince. It was one quirky series. I used to stay up to watch that and Red Dwarf, and FarScape ... they were all on the quirky side. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now those little brain cells can give it a rest. :)

Beth Howard said...

I'm sooooo glad it helped! And, yep, those are all fun, quirky sci-fi shows... and I love 'em all. You obviously have excellent taste :D